Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a reorganization plan for a business: A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a reorganization for an individual

But, in order to do a Chapter 13 for an individual you need to have a job so you can pay back your debts about 10cents on the dollar. If you don't have a job where you can pay back some of the money you owe you will lose your home and your car or vehicle and everything you own. People who do this either go homeless or they declare a Chapter 8 Bankruptcy but you lose your home and car and most of your possessions when you do a Chapter 8.

So, you have to be working to declare a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for an individual.

A Chapter 11 for a business is a way to keep from going out of business and to keep the business solvent by paying off your debts likely at around 10 cents on the dollar in a reorganization. But, in order to reorganize this way the business has to remain operating and manufacturing or making whatever product it sells and continue selling that product whatever it is.

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