Thursday, July 30, 2020

I once compared Trump to Herbert Hoover who brought on the great Depression

Today I see just how prophetic that actually was. However, I had no idea that we would face something as bad worldwide as the great Depression and World War II combined in the coronavirus. But, Trump has made a bad disaster about 100 times worse and wound up being the worst president of all Time.

Trump is and was the wrong president for any time especially this one with at least 450,000 tested and non-tested Americans dead already from Trump's mistakes and confusion. He is incapable of leading through what we are presently going through and 450,000 have died just here in the U.S. as a result so far. And likely by next year this time it's going to be 3 to 4 times that much in dead Americans.

What do President Herbert Hoover and President Trump have in common?

They both are and were businessmen that thought you could run the U.S. government the way you run a business. But, they were both terribly wrong because a business often is run like a dictatorship and because a country like the U.S. is not a business at all and the opposite of a Dictatorship. It is something completely different and needs to stay functional both the Republican and the Democratic point of view to stay functional much like a child in order to grow up healthy needs a good father and a good mother to be balanced and to survive physically and emotionally into adulthood. Likewise a country needs both conservative and Liberal AND MODERATE points of view.

Without this often a country fails like this one presently is from someone like Trump who is obviously the worst president of all time for the U.S.

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