Sunday, July 5, 2020

I can now fully see why people out in the country are dying from Coronavirus so much

On the coast where I live everyone is religious about wearing masks especially in all stores.

However, here in more redneck country there is no rhyme or reason regarding masks at all. I wear a mask whenever I feel the need for one but even then you are bound to get angry stares from some people when you wear a mask.

I think it's more about the freedom to be stupid and die but possibly something else is going on. But, not wearing a mask (if you have fully studied about pandemics) is sort of like not wearing a helmet and then riding your motorcycle 100 plus miles per hour.

Either one swiftly increases the chances that you are either going to die that day or(with a month from coronavirus or your injuries from crashing at 100 plus miles per hour).

However, Here in America we have the right to die because we do stupid things. I see it every day of my life so maybe I shouldn't be surprised so many are dying out in the country now in America. Maybe I should just accept it and consider it the freedom to be dead and let it go.

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