Monday, December 17, 2012

On The View Today

I got up and my wife was watching "The View" on TV. There was a man "likely a psychologist" who was saying how the media and violent video games helped create this particular shooter in Connecticut. This 20 year old boy was autistic who got secondary mental illness as a result and who occupied his time playing violent video games. His mother was a gun enthusiast and when we combine a Kindergarten teacher who is a divorced gun enthusiast with an autistic son who became mentally ill who then occupies his time playing violent video games, we have a potential lethal condition which just occurred. By the media glorifying the shooters and making them immortal you get someone doing something like this. Also, just like in a video game almost all children were shot multiple times (up to 6 shots each) which is why there weren't many survivors that had been shot. So, one way to look at this was an autistic 20 year old boy was "PLaying a Video Game" when he shot his mother and all these people. Possibly since he lived in a video game most days he didn't know the difference until both they and he were dead.

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