Saturday, January 5, 2013

By Grace Alone

Jonathan Flow felt his heart doing flip flops in his chest as he slowly woke up. It didn't hurt but it was bothersome somehow. He wondered about why the Solar Logos had had him fly during a Solar Flare last October that had changed the way his heart worked?

He thought to himself, "I really can't explain a lot of this even to myself". He thought of other people his age (almost 65) and thought how old they had looked and acted to him as he was growing up. Now, it was his turn. But, when he looked in the mirror and saw himself he seemed to act and to think much younger than any of them. Did that mean he was going to live much longer too? He would have to wait and see about that. Seeing is believing in the end.

He remembered back to his early 20s when he really didn't expect to see 25 ever and sort of laughed to himself at how little young people often understand of what is coming in their lives. He thought of all the many different people he had had to become along the way to stay alive and healthy. And, he thought of how the definitions  of healthy change as one gets older.

In the end it was always, "You do whatever it takes to survive or you don't."

He saw the figurines of Mary, the Mother of Jesus that his wife had placed "Churchlike" on a high small stain glass window with a shelf at the base of the window lighted from the sun and called out to "Mary" to help him now in his life.
He had recently been talking a lot to Jesus too and asking for his help as well in making the best decisions in regard to his life ongoing. There is always idealism and then there is realism and where idealism and realism meet there is life ongoing.

Mary said, "I have taken all the thorns from your heart." Jonathan said, "Who carries them now?" And Mary said, "Jesus carries all the thorns from your heart in his crown of thorns for you now. You live by Grace alone."

Jonathan thought about what this meant. He wondered if he was preparing for death or just for change? Often angels and sacred beings didn't say which was going to happen next. It was always as if dying to self and physically dying were sort of the same thing to them. He had seen this happen over and over again over the years as he had been forced to become someone new by life.

He was grateful to have been through this so many times before. Because often people can't make the necessary changes and physically die instead. He was grateful he was made of different stuff than that. "By Grace Alone" What did that really mean? He guessed God needed him here on earth longer. That made the most sense of all.

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