Monday, January 14, 2013

Life is a Near Death Experience

When I was in India and Nepal in 1985 and 1986 with my family, the common people there who were mostly not formally educated knew life was a near death experience because they saw people dying or dead all the time on the streets. The saw friends die. They saw relatives die. They saw Strangers die. Because it wasn't hidden from them the way it is here in the U.S.

So, I felt like I was among people who like me experienced life as a near death experience all the time. I never had any illusions about life being forever in this body since I almost died of whooping cough at age 2 in 1950. I remember clearly not being able to breathe from coughing and then coughing until I turned blue and passing out. And then waking up and doing this over again and again until I gave up and expected to die as a 2 year old. However, giving up and dying saved my life because most kids wear themselves out and die of exhaustion from fighting it. I gave up and lived. This has also been my relationship to God. Not that God is the whooping cough. But God is something you can't fight and win. And this is a given. Because you are fighting the order and laws of the universe. You can't fight air. You can't fight weather. You can't fight snow storms or tornadoes or 100 mph or more winds in the form of Hurricanes or Tornadoes. Because you will always lose.

So, knowing right up front that life is a near death experience makes it precious but also makes it survivable for most people on earth.

I was watching "Hereafter" that Clint Eastwood made. And in the beginning of it the French lady goes out in 1994 the morning of the Tsunami then that killed 250,000 people and is swept away  by the tsunami but even though she is beat up by it she spits out the water and lives. (incredible graphics regarding this in the first 10 or 20 minutes of this movie by the way). So, I was watching this because of the next near death experience I have been enduring in my life since October 2012. The one before this was 1998 and 1999. The one before that was 1958 to 1963. And the one before that was whooping cough in 1950 when I learned to give up and die and as a result I lived.

So, maybe the lesson here is, "Let Go and Let God if you want to live!" Hopefully, I can learn more this time with my latest near death experience. Each time God teaches me something new.

The lessons this time seem to be of a man in his mid 60s. Here was my Haiku regarding medicines

Kill Slowly
But if people don't use them
All Die Young

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