Saturday, January 5, 2013

Personal and Family Infrastructure

Changing Dynamics within U.S. and World

The above article I started thinking about what the U.S. is going to do about infrastructure wearing out like bridges going into desrepair and starting to collapse from rust and age, Gas pipe lines blowing up more and more because most of them are 50 to 75 years old or older around the U.S., and water and sewage lines and treatment plants needing to be replaced but without the money because the areas might not be able to float a Muni Bond bought by investors to be able to actually do it.

I was realizing that one of the ways to accomplish a new infrastructure is to move towards more "personal infrastructure".

This would and does look a whole lot more like life in the suburbs and country today. Does that mean that cities infrastructure would just rot and explode and rust away? My answer would be "It would depend on the city."

So, because of dangerous infrastructures of Bridges, Gas Lines, dangerous water, improperly processed sewage in cities, you might see more and more people moving to the suburbs and country where this is less of a problem which would leave more poorer people in larger cities, especially cities in decay. So, the loss of safe infrastructure would only make life in these cities more and more dangerous as time goes on.

However, for individuals and families who can afford this  could move to "Family Infrastructure" by going off the grid completely or almost completely. The place usually to start with is with Solar or Wind power to generate all or part of their electricity. Next, by capturing water off their own downspouts and gutters from their roofs they could catch the water they need for everything but drinking. (Often with asphalt roofing the water is going to taste like asphalt) but it might be used for baths, washing dishes, and watering plants. Also, with a Septic tank sewage stops being as much of a problem and would once a year be hauled off in Septic Trucks. In this way by having phones be satellite based and Internet being Satellite based wiring infrastructures might not be needed as much. Generating electrical stations mostly could be eliminated except in bigger cities and this likely is the future we are going to see more and more. Natural gas pipelines wouldn't have to be repaired if it was sold as compressed gas in a tank in people's back yard for people who wanted gas for stoves and water heaters. We have all seen the large compressed gas tankers going to surburbia and country homes to fill smaller home compressed gas tanks there.

So, completely independent infrastructure would be resident in most or all homes in suburbia and in the country everywhere and the "old fashioned" infrastructure would only be seen in large or larger cities.

Then another infrastructure is roads and bridges. By only having to work on roads and bridges and not all the other infrastructures the group costs go down exponentially nationwide and worldwide.

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