Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Republican Party in Civil War with itself?

This may sound strange to say but, basically this week, "The Republican Party went from a suicide of the party in front of the American people to Civil War within the party today". As things go this is a very good thing for the Republican party ongoing. You can survive a civil war but you can't survive a suicide as a party like what was going on earlier this week. So, I think our two party system is coming back on track for the new year.

Today Governor Christie and literally all New York and New Jersey members of the house lambasted The House Speaker for removing from a vote Hurricane Sandy relief last night. This might seem kind of strange but to understand why the Speaker did this mostly has to do with revenue. If the House was fighting against new taxes on the rich and then had to come up with a new emergency revenue that wasn't going to be anything but embarrassing for the party today. However, now today you have people like Republican Governor Christie getting really angry on the news along with Representative Republican King of New York. Many many Democrats representing New York and New Jersey are also really bent out of shape by this betrayal of the Republican leadership in the house. Finally today,
Representative King Republican of New York announced that a vote on 9 billion for Sandy Relief will come friday and the rest of the 51 billion will be voted on by January 15 by the House of Representatives. So, slowly but surely the Republican party is responding to pressure by worldwide investors and the American Elecrorate to be more practical and pragmatic about their votes and decisions which affect not only the U.S. but the entire world in a macroeconomic sense.

All facts from CNN and PBS news today through late last night.

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