Monday, June 17, 2013

Having Compassion for yourself

This is one of the things that might allow you and I to live into old age. Having compassion for yourself is also having compassion for others. It is a circle that starts with your realizing that you and everyone else suffers from being alive here on earth in various ways. Maybe a tear comes to your eyes when you think about what you and everyone you know has been through since before they were born. But, at that moment you feel sorry for everyone and yourself at the same time. And in that moment of kindredness something good can be born in you. You feel compassion for their pain and yours.

And this is the basis of literally all good civilizations on earth right there. This leads to helping yourself and other beings and working together and working towards individual and group goals when under other situations you might have killed each other for a scrap of food. Co-operation between individuals and groups is what creates everything good about all civilizations. Then if you can also apply all your experiences good and bad to the way you formulate acts of compassion towards yourself and all other beings these actions (both internal and external) become naturally more powerful and more efficient each day. And this is how Having compassion for yourself leads to compassion for others and goes in a circle the rest of your lives. This is how one person can change the whole world. This likely is what both Jesus and Buddha did too and how they started all the changes that we might benefit from them now all over the world and into the future as long as the human race lives on this planet or any other planet or place we choose to.

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