Monday, July 15, 2013


I have had this theory for some time now that different alien groups who have been visiting earth for millions of years or more create "Translators" among humans on Earth so they can more easily communicate with earth born humans. Maybe some of these translators were Buddha, Jesus, philosophers and world leaders? However, I have the feeling that this has been ongoing as long as there have been humans here on earth.

And in regard to God is there really a God or are people susceptible to needing a God much like they need parents to grow up right. In some ways psychologically people need God to replace their parents when they die so they can cope with Going on without their parents so they can more easily raise their kids and grandkids without completely freaking out and jumping off a cliff or something.

So, maybe "Translators" are really what the amazing people down through the centuries have really been. Maybe the real visionaries were actually being guided by aliens from other planets whose civilizations and technologies might have been at all points thousands to millions of years in advance of ours. Also, if they felt we were "humanoid relatives" they might be more kind to us knowing our likes and dislikes and less afraid of our potential if our potential was similar to theirs. So, they would study us to see "Where we were going" and then give us a push in the right direction so our cultures didn't self destruct.

Many people believe the Roswell Craft was there to observe Nuclear tests after World War II when the U.S. and Russia were competing for who would build the first Hydrogen bomb at that point. So, likely it would be important to aliens that we didn't nuke ourselves and the planet out of existence in the 1950s or 1960s or 1970s. So, they might bring in whatever technology would prevent that from happening, especially if they saw Earth as their planet or their park in the sky. So, it would sort of be like Forest Rangers not wanting the Deer in Yellowstone building Nuclear weapons to use against each other because they liked the park the way it already was without craters or being completely gone.

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