Monday, July 8, 2013

What is True or Real?

IS what is true or real what you actually experience or is it what people tell you what is real. If what people tell you is real is the basis of your reality then going to college isn't going to help you. Because until you have your own experiences and see them as your criteria for reality you are vulnerable to whatever anyone tells you is true.

Only by having your own experiences with life and learning critical thinking for yourself can you have a future that is going to be enjoyable to you. As long as you listen only to other people and not to your own experiences of life your life likely will be a short one.

However, an exception to this often is listening to your elders. Though their experiences sometimes aren't completely relevant to right now, people over 40 to 60 years of age often have had enough life experience to help you survive until that age or older too. So, if you want to live a long life and not just die in your teens or twenties, listening to your elders about how they survived everything might be very important to your long term survival.

However, in regard to spiritual or religious things it is important to filter this kind of information from literally anyone around the terrors and illnesses they faced in their lives including cataclysms both weather and accidental cataclysms due to wars.

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