Monday, September 2, 2013

5 star Gluten Free Vegan Veggie Burger Patties

Since I was raised a Vegetarian (Lacto Ovo) (I also ate milk and eggs) I really missed my vegeburgers from Islands Restaurant (a California and Hawaii and Arizona and Nevada restaurant chain) near where I live. (When You give up gluten you also give up most pizzas (except Amy's frozen gluten free  ones) and almost all Vegeburgers in addition to all breads made with wheat and all wheat pasta. So, even though I haven't been 100% vegetarian since I was 32, I still am about 85% to 95% vegetarian and at 65 I know that it is one of the reasons I'm still alive and kicking.
I have one friend that I grew up with who has never eaten even a bite of meat or fish and is 62 and knows that one bite now likely would kill him because his body couldn't handle it. When I was 10 I drank a cup of chicken soup and was deathly ill for about one week so I understand completely.

However, I really miss my veggie burgers so recently my wife and I went to Islands and I had a turkey burger and we brought gluten free buns from Whole Foods Market so we could both eat gluten free at Islands Restaurant. I really love their tortilla soup there.

But here, is a 5 star recipe for Veggie burgers that are both vegan and gluten free finally. I haven't tried them yet but the recipe is at the bottom.
begin quote:

The Ultimate Veggie Burger (Vegan/Gluten Free/Grain Free/Low Carb)

by Kelly M
I’m going to be honest here. I didn’t think it would actually happen.

I have been on the hunt for “the one” veggie burger for years. Years. YEARS! Do you know how many beans, veggies, and other random mix-ins I’d rather not talk about have been wasted in this process? On second thought… don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.
You have to understand how big this is. It’s monumental really. LIke, seriously. They should erect a monument to this burger and I should be the one to cut the red ribbon.(I’ve always wanted to hold those big scissors!) This is big enough for me to say “like”. And I never say like. Except when I do. Which is not often. Like, really.

But there is a word I throw around even more seldom than like, and that word would be ultimate. I say it when I mean it. If a recipe doesn’t rock your socks off, I’m not going to call it ultimate. If I’m still wearing socks at the end of the meal, then I don’t call it ultimate! (Kids, don’t try this at home.)
You know the expression “when pigs fly”? Yeah, I haven’t used it. You know why? I’ve been using “when I find the ultimate veggie burger” instead because it was even less likely.

Folks, I am looking for a veggie burger that is vegan, gluten free, grain free, LOW CARB, and doesn’t taste like the socks it rocked off. And I found it.
Not only do these miraculous patties of joy meet all my criteria, they are also endlessly customizable to whatever you want. Add in different veggies, beans, flavors… you have no excuse not to make these because they adapt to whatever you have on hand. So actually… you should go make these now.
I used these fantastic peppers from TJ’s I had in the freezer. You definitely don’t need them, but I thought they were fantastic and can’t believe I haven’t found them sooner!

Wait, did I just see a pig fly by?

The Ultimate Veggie Burger (Vegan/Gluten Free/Grain Free/Low Carb)
The Ultimate Veggie Burger (Vegan/Gluten Free/Grain Free/Low Carb)
Rating: 5
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 2 patties
Serving Size: entire recipe (2 patties)
Calories per serving: 125
Fat per serving: 1.5 grams
  • 1/2 cup chickpeas prepared using the Low Calorie Beans Method (You can use canned beans instead. Perhaps another type of bean would work too?)
  • 3/4 cup veggies, fresh or frozen and defrosted (see note below)
  • 2 Tablespoons chickpea flour
  • 1 egg white or 1 1/2 teaspoons egg replacer plus 2 Tablespoons water
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and pulse until blended (but not completely pureed; you still want the burgers to have some texture). Heat a greased or nonstick sprayed skillet over medium high heat. Spoon half the chickpea mixture onto the pan and spread it out with the back of a spoon to form a patty shape. Repeat with the other half of the chickpea mixture. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until golden, and flip. Cook on the other side for a few more minutes or until golden and beautiful then turn off the heat, transfer to a plate, and devour.
Recipe Notes and Substitutions
One of the great things about these veggie burgers is that they are completely customizable to what you want/like/ have on hand. This recipe calls for 3/4 cup of veggies, but the sky is the limit to what those could be. You can use veggies that are fresh or frozen and defrosted (measure after defrosting). You can also use a mixture of veggies totaling to 3/4 cup. Let your imagination (and your taste buds) run wild!

I have a feeling these patties and my homemade sandwich thins would be a perfect match. Just a suggestion.

P.S. The winner of the Hemp seed giveaway is… Audrey!  (Comment #21) Congratulations! You should be receiving an email shortly. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!

The Ultimate Veggie Burger (Vegan/Gluten Free/Grain Free/Low ...
Rating: 5 - ‎1 review - ‎15 mins - ‎125 cal
I'm going to be honest here. I didn't think it would actually happen. I have been on the hunt for “the one” veggie burger for years. Years. YEARS! Do you know ...
Also, if you are interested in Eating at an Islands Restaurant here is their locations page.
Islands in Honolulu, Hawaii

Islands Restaurants
Islands Restaurants was founded in 1982 with a basic philosophy – serve great, fresh food with friendly service in a fun atmosphere.


Islands Restaurants was founded in 1982 with a basic philosophy ...Coming Soon

Also, for those of you who aren't allergic to Gluten (or who don't know they are allergic yet) since 40% of the human race is actually allergic to gluten to one degree or another, here are 4 veggie burger recipes.

4 Veggie Burgers That Don't Suck | Mother Jones
Jul 3, 2013 - It's a warm summer evening, and you're on a back porch with a group of friends, drinking a beer and getting ready for dinner. Someone passes ...

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