Saturday, September 14, 2013

Public Service

This site is a public service site for people around the world who speak and/or read English or for those who trust Google Translate to translate it correct enough into their languages. So, people who have lived in the U.S. or visited here or want to visit here or are interested in what is happening here can be better informed worldwide. It is also for people who share interests similar to mine. I am interested in a lot of things but mostly I'm interested in the human race Not Going extinct anytime soon. So, a lot of what I share is in the world Public interest of keeping enough people alive through Global Climate change to keep civilization still going 100, 200, and 300 and more years from now.

If you see the quantum level of changes throughout the earth both ecological and psychological worldwide it is easy to wonder if the human race can maintain civilization, technology, ecology and just life in general anywhere on earth 100, 200, 300 years from now?

So, this site is dedicated as one of the sites trying to keep the human race and civilization going on despite any and all problems that may arise in this century and beyond.

No profit of any kind is directly generated by me from anything done at this site. This is only a volunteer effort to try to help keep the human race and civilization going here on earth. I hope more of you join this effort through your own  Blogs and whatever you find might accomplish this end.

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