Monday, September 2, 2013

Soft Cones for Dogs with Injuries

It's been several years since my wife had a benign tumor removed from my older dog and he had to wear one of the older stiff plastic cones. But now, with a hot spot on his left rear flank where he has chewed away the hair and irritated the skin we can't put medicine on the wound unless we cone his head so he doesn't lick the wound. So, I noticed yesterday the Vet had given my wife a cone that is more like fabric but still stiff enough to do the job. I think this is a great innovation because it prevents injury to the dog if the dog runs into furniture, trees or the edges of doors etc. with the edge of it. So, this prevents the dog from injuring himself or herself on the cone. Though I suppose a dog could still (get caught) on some objects and not able to get free possibly, still this is a really great improvement on the stiff hard plastic cones of the past.

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