Monday, September 2, 2013

Taught about Saint Germain Since Birth

 Though I was taught about Saint Germain since birth (and likely before) when I have tried to understand who he was as an adult I come up with more paradoxical answers just like when I try to find the Historical Jesus. Even when people talk about the 1960s and 1970s now all the people who talk and write about it always get it wrong if they didn't live through it from an age of 12 or older. I think you had to be there in the 1960s and 1970s and be 12 or older from 1965 to 1975 to really get what was happening then. I think the same might be true of literally every era. A big part of what an era is about is contained in the angst of the people. What are their fears and dreams? Who do they love? What are they deathly afraid of? What is important to them?

Without this knowledge how can one find the truth about anyone and any era from Jesus' time to Saint Germain's time? It simply isn't possible to understand really who people were without having been there and talking to them yourself. And even then think about how many different people you and I have been in the course of a lifetime if we are over 30? If you weren't at least 10 or more basically different people from birth to 30 or more, you aren't really human are you?

So, this also might be important to understand what makes people who they are throughout their lifetimes is what happens to them throughout their lives not just in any given moment.


Jonathan Flow and Saint Germain

Truth is Stranger than Fiction:

Jonathan was contemplating his old friend and mentor Saint Germain. As he thought about him Saint Germain showed up as usual.
Jonathan said, "I was just studying about the real historical Saint Germain."
Saint Germain: "Don't believe everything you read. 100 years from now what do you think might be said of your writings?"
Jonathan: "Will they think I'm you?"
Saint Germain: "Some will."
Jonathan: "Will they be wrong?"
Saint Germain smiled as said, "Not really."
Jonathan: "I'm not sure how many would actually be capable of understanding that."
Saint Germain: "The important thing is that you understand how it is possible. Whether they understand or not is less important for now."
Jonathan: "How many Saint Germains can be walking around?"
Saint Germain: "There are no limitations to the number of Jesus' or Saint Germain's really."
Jonathan: "Then Truth really is Stranger than Fiction?"
Saint Germain: "Though there is no right answer to that question right now my answer would be yes."

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