Saturday, December 14, 2013

Canada's Roswell: October 4th 1967

Canada's Roswell Mystery at Shag Harbour — Video
Nov 24, 2009
In this UFO Hunters video, brought to you by the History Channel, learn about the mystery at Shag Harbour. On ...
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I was watching this documentary on the History channel and found it interesting. It appears on October 4 1967 many people of Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia saw the orange craft go into the ocean. At the time the people thought it might be some kind of aircraft that maybe was military or experimental. However, over time(25 years later) individuals investigated the incident through Canada's Freedom of Information ACt (Similar to the one the U.S. created when the Soviet Union Collapsed and was effective for a few years until 9-11 or so).
And he found that there was more to the story than the Canadian people had been told. When this happened I believe he was around 12 years old (in 1967) and lived near Shag Harbor and saw the thing as a boy. So, as an adult he researched and spoke with divers sent to visit the craft(s) and was able to collect information that no one had been allowed to speak about before. The diver he spoke with (25 years later) wanted to remain anonymous and told him that the craft had moved near a Canadian (Cold War submarine tracking station used during the Cold war there) and that a second orange craft had visited it there and had repaired it. He said he and other divers witnessed aliens from one craft underwater repairing the second craft for some time.
However, when the U.S. Fleet above monitoring the two craft detected a Soviet Submarine coming to investigate the incident they moved to intercept the submarine and the two orange colored crafts took the chance to fly up out of the water and off planet on I believe it was October 8th 1967.

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