Friday, December 6, 2013

Many people who think they are mentally ill are not

There is no sin in being different than the people you are raised by or the people you knew growing up. It just means you are different and maybe you might have to go live somewhere else because you are never going to fit in around the people you grew up around. Sometimes it is as simple as this.

I always knew I was somewhat different than most people in that I tended to be a lot deeper thinker than most people. I wasn't into fighting or hurting other people. I would defend myself but I would always rather not have to hurt people to defend myself when attacked. That was always my last choice. In the 50s there was always violence among boys where I grew up. It was just much more normal then than now. What wasn't normal then was people resorting to guns unless they were Mafia or hardened adult criminals. That pretty much didn't happen in the 1950s because you would be shamed by society for something like this and put into prison and shunned for life. All society would punish you the rest of your life in the 1950s if you used a gun. There was a sense much more then of: "It takes a village or a town to raise a child." Along with this often people you didn't know might spank you or even hit you if you were doing something wrong, especially if you lived in a small town where everyone knew you.

Most places that doesn't happen anymore so many many more really crazy things happen including 100s of times the gun use on the general public and children as a direct result. There are serious consequences to the changes in society since the 1950s and not all of the consequences are good ones.

The biggest change is that people often would take young people 'under their wings" and help and counsel them and even adopt them in some ways. But again, now there is much less trust of strangers than there was in the 50s too. So, this especially in larger towns has stopped mostly.

So, because of this a lot of young people believe they are crazy when they are not.

They need to learn that, "Being a teenager is to be temporarily crazy." If someone doesn't know this fact, it makes perfect sense that they might kill themselves or others with guns.

So, telling children that even being a teenager is to be temporarily crazy might give them what they need to survive puberty and their teenage years. If you are allowed to by society help a teenager today. They need all the help they can get to make to to 25 or 30 alive.

Without all the people in my life like my parents, and a few people from my church and people I knew in the world, even I wouldn't have made it to 26 when my son was born and I became a married man and a father the same year and then somehow everything was okay after that. I found a way to stay alive. To live for my son. That worked for me. And as I had more children over the years I lived on for them too. And that was enough to make me happy too.

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