Saturday, December 14, 2013

One with God is a Majority

My mother often said this to me. My mother just naturally was one with God all the time. I never have really met anyone exactly like her ever since. Even when she had senile dementia and I had to put her in an Alzheimer's and senile dementia facility for her safety and others (because she almost burned down her house while praying for flames to stop burning in the kitchen one day) she never lost her closeness with God and was amazing. People when I would visit her that worked their would come up to me with tears in their eyes and tell me about what my mother said about their aura or the angels surrounding them or other things no one but angels and God would know. It amazed me that she could still be this way with no filters at all socially but she was. She even was in a heaven realm one day when a good childhood friend who was a teacher and an ordained minister than I had known since I was 6 in Sunday School came with me to visit my mother. And she was asking us about if we could hear the angels singing and how wonderful it was. She was so very otherworldly that I was a little embarrassed for myself and my friend as it seemed such a private experience with God and Angels she was having. However, 6 months later my friend died in 2006 at around age 60 and I realized God was preparing him through my mother to pass on. She was a full time minister along with my father in a Los Angeles Mystical Christian Church from 1954 until 1960 as I was growing up. She also led many memorials (probably somewhere between 200 to 400 to 500 during those times as well). So, she was able to face both death and life as all good ministers can while staying centered and helpful all the time.

So, I would say my mother taught me that "One with God is a majority" with everything she did every day of her life. Though she wasn't a rocket scientist she was probably the most naturally intuitive "One with God" person I have ever met or known very well. Thanks for being my Mom.

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