Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why do I believe in God?

First of all I grew up in another time much much different than now during the 1950s. Then there came a time that I realized that if I didn't believe in God I was going to die. You might ask me if God is real or not. Often times in life come that if you don't believe in God you will become like mercury when it is splatted in 1000 different pieces like when you almost die or are facing death for years at a time like I was from ages 10 to 15 year of age. Without God to keep you in one piece rather than a 1000 or more likely you would go insane or just self destruct during those times by jumping off a cliff.

This is why I believed in God and didn't die like many people who died that I knew along the way. And I'm still alive in 2013 after growing up in the 1950s because I still see believing in God as a good way to stay alive and survive when most other people explode into 1000 pieces (mentally, emotionally or physically (or all three at once and  are no more in this physical world as a result.

I would rather believe in God than jump off a cliff or drive my car off a cliff because I didn't believe in God. Without purpose real or imagined life has no meaning at all and becomes redundant.

So, the real question is not whether God exists or not. The question is: "How will you survive the passing   of literally everyone your age to five years or more older than you eventually? This is inevitable if you live long enough. How will you survive any health problems you might encounter in your life?

If you can't answer these questions you might consider believing in God just like 90% of all people have since the dawn of time before there were any medical procedures available at all.

The best way to put this is a famous saying during wars, "There are no atheists in foxholes".

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