Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Wars In Iraq And Syria Have Merged Into A Single Conflict

I think part of the reasoning behind this is Al Qaeda wants to kill all Shias, so they want to get rid of Assad and Maliki to start. And they now have the backing of many Sunni wealthy people throughout the middle east to do this. So, the end game is likely to overthrow the government of Iran next after Iraq.

The Wars In Iraq And Syria Have Merged Into A Single Conflict

It no longer makes sense to think of the civil conflicts in Iraq and Syria as separate events: They are now a single war, both in their operational details and in the broader forces driving both conflicts. An al-Qaida offshoot's major offensive this week shows that the battle lines — and the…

I can't seem to quote more than this so if you are interested please click on above word button "The wars in Iraq and Syria----"

In the meantime Al Qaeda and ISIL have set up a literal kingdom that covers part of Syria and part of Iraq along with oil wells in Northern Syria that they now can sell or use or process oil from.

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