Tuesday, February 24, 2015

ISIS Apocalyptic Beliefs

On Fareed Zacharia GPS on Sunday it was stated that ISIS believes they will lose this war to the coalition down to 5000 ISIS soldiers. Then those 5000 ISIS soldiers will surround Jerusalem and then Armageddon will begin.

This is what ISIS is working towards right now according to what they were saying on CNN on Sunday February 22nd 2015.

If I am correct in what ISIS thinks Armageddon is, it is the end of the world in a nuclear holocaust.

So, like a lot of Doomsday Prophecies that don't come true, this is what ISIS Believes. So, it is important to consider that all ISIS Soldiers (male and female) either believe this or pretend to believe this(depending upon whether they are fighting by choice or just being blackmailed to fight so they aren't beheaded or burned alive for not fighting).

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