Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What going one day without enough Thyroid in your body can be like?

Mostly I'm writing this so if you have symptoms like this you are sure to get a Thyroid test of a t3 and then a t4 blood test:

Other long term symptoms of your Thyroid glands not making enough Thyroid (Hypothyroidism) are: you feel cold a lot of the time, hard to stay warm, bronchitis a lot during the winters to the point where you think you might die of pneumonia or something like that, feeling depressed for no reason a lot etc. and feeling you might die young because of all these symptoms.

Likely I would have died by my early 60s if this hadn't been diagnosed by my age 58 then in 2006.

Yesterday, I just realized about 1 hour ago I forgot to take my Armour Thyroid of 90 mg. It is something I do daily between 4:30 am and about 8:30 am depending upon the day. I do this then so I can sleep through the period where I cannot eat. Because when you take this medicine you cannot eat anything for 2 hours before or 1 hour after or the medicine won't work, especially things like milk products.

So, I guess what happened is somehow I forgot to take my thyroid medicine but still believed I had taken it (possibly I dreamed I took it) because I usually go back to sleep for one or more hours after taking thyroid medicine early in the morning.

So, long about noon I started to feel very strange. If I hadn't been traveling and therefore out of my normal element likely I would have discovered at some point I hadn't taken my medicine. But, because we were going to business meetings and trying to drive home yesterday I didn't get to that point of awareness of what was wrong.

Instead I thought I was having a blood sugar problem from not eating lunch on time or a combination of blood sugar problem with too much salt (sodium). When you are traveling and eating in restaurants a lot too much sugar and salt in food can be a problem a lot. Because restaurants do this a lot to make you keep coming back and buy more food, especially here in the U.S.

So, I thought I had gone into a low blood sugar cascade (which I also might have been experiencing too.

However, after our last business meeting I was kind of feeling shaky and told my wife she should drive because something was wrong with me. I sort of felt like I was about 3 places at once and I couldn't focus and knew I didn't have the focus to drive safely right then.

So, she drove most of the way as far as Paso Robles to the rest stop on 101 and then finally I had regrouped enough to drive the rest of the way back to the San Francisco Greater Bay area and to home on the ocean. But, I had been really shaken to the core because this not being focused enough to drive a car lasted for over 3 hours even after I had had something good to eat around 1:30 or 2:00 pm. So, I really hoped I hadn't developed a more serious health problem.

However, when I got up around 5:30 this morning to take my thyroid medicine I finally discovered that in my plastic daily medicine container that Tuesday's Armour Thyroid medicine was still there.

This really relieved my concern that I had developed some new health problem that I would have to deal with.

So, all the scary symptoms of feeling like I was about 3 places at once while not being focused enough to drive or walk very well slowly completely faded away once I had taken my 90 mg. of Armour Thyroid medicine.

Thank you God!


One of the causes of getting hypothyroid is traveling to third world countries and getting 

  1.   Cached
    Giardia is a genus of anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasites of the phylum Sarcomastigophora that colonise and reproduce in the small intestines of several ...
  2.  › Parasites Home
    Jul 18, 2012 · Giardia intestinalis (aka: G.duodenalis, G.lamblia) is a common, microscopic (intestinal) parasite that commonly affects humans, dogs, and cats [1,2]
    I developed Giardia while traveling in India, Nepal and Thailand (likely in Katmandu, Nepal from the feces in the dust there in early January through March of 1986 along with 4 of the 5 members of my family then. There are two long term things that can happen from this later in your life.
    1. hypothyroidism caused by the giardia protozoa making your intestines allergic to gluten. Since Gluten is their favorite sugar they make your intestines allergic to it so they can eat all of it instead. And from this allergy you eventually can develop hypothyroidism years later.
    2. Eventually, if you don't give up all gluten in your diet you can also get an auto-immune disease as well.
 Luckily, I gave up gluten before I got an auto-immune disease as well.

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