Thursday, September 10, 2015

What are Russia's Motives in Syria?

My thought today is that Russia is having a problem with low Oil prices because this is at least 40% to 50% of the money that actually runs the government and government programs. So, their interests would be to raise the price of Gasoline. One way to do that would be for problems to so overwhelm Saudi Arabia that they couldn't pump oil anymore.

So, by aiding Assad and Iran (Also with the Iran Nuclear Deal coming into place) this is going to harm Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Governments in all sorts of ways. So, Aiding Assad might be only one factor in all this and protecting their port of Tartus (I believe it is called where Russians have an agreement to maintain that port from Assad.

By the way this is only one of 2 warmwater ports that don't freeze over in the Winter that Russia has. The other one is in Crimea.

So, likely Russia's motivations are financial and strategic long term.

Also, Russia's stance in Syria likely could double or triple the amount of refugees flowing into Europe over the next few years.

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