Saturday, July 16, 2016

Among under 30 set support for Socialism and Capitalism is roughly equal in U.S.

Though this might seem crazy to old timers, if you actually observe the complete lack of opportunity in the U.S. caused by lowering wages (in relation to what a dollar actually buys), the only way young people now could ever get ahead and actually retire is to do away with student loan debt. Without doing this when they go to college they are only mortgaging their futures. Even Michelle and Barach Obama were paying off their Lawyer student Loans until their mid 40s. And I personally have a friend who in order to get a master's degree on top of a bachelor's degree still owes 80,000 dollars and is older than that. This is not unusual if you are persistent enough to get  higher degrees here in the U.S.

So, it is logical that if the only way to get ahead is to nullify all student loans for an entire generation that they would want something like the Nordic style socialist democracies where they hire the best teachers (instead of the worst like here) and all education and medical care is paid for from cradle to the grave.

For example, I believe it is South Korea which presently has the best medical care system on earth which costs about 15% to 20% as much as ours does for a visit to the doctor or even less. So, though South Korea is a democracy they have the best socialized medicine in any democratic state on earth.

Begin quote from: Page 20 of the new Time magazine with the Back of Trump's head on the cover
July 25th 2016.

The Article is called "America: more socialist than it seems"

For decades, U.S. Lawmakers have dismissed the possibility of bringing Nordic-style social democracy, with its robust and diverse welfare programs, to America. Conservatives say it goes against our bootstrapping ideals, while liberals lament that it's too progressive to catch on. But in his new book "Viking Economics" George Lakey argues that both objections are flimsy. While it's true that many Americans balk at the idea of socialism, polling reveals strong bi-partisan support for programs like Medicare, and more than two-thirds of Americans believe the government should help the needy get food and shelter. (Among the under-30 set, support for Socialism and capitalism is roughly equal.) OF course, fully embracing Nordic-style policies--and in turn upping the access to health care, education and more--would require something Americans are categorically allergic to: tax hikes. Then again, Lakey concludes you get what you pay for. --- Sarah Begley

end quote from page 20.

In the end because of globalization if we don't at least feed the hungry and shelter them and maybe pay off their student loans then we will be burying our children before we die more and more often in this present globalized world we live in.

My wife and I have taken personally upon ourselves to pay off any student loans our children incur (as long as they get a degree). So, those of us who can afford to do this are paying off our children's student loans ourselves when they get their degrees.

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