Thursday, July 14, 2016

Boris Johnson Is A Liar With His 'Back To The Wall,' Says France's Foreign Minister?

As New Foreign Secretary of England it looks like Boris is going to have some problems with France at least, if not from the whole EU of around 27 nations regarding Brexit. Yes. Brexit is moving from bad to worse every single day for All of Europe and the world.

Boris Johnson Is A Liar With His 'Back To The Wall,' Says France's Foreign Minister

Huffington Post - ‎4 hours ago‎
Britain's shock appointment of Johnson as foreign minister was met by outrage and disbelief in Europe. 07/14/2016 10:22 am 10:22:20.
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Boris Johnson Is A Liar With His ‘Back To The Wall,’ Says France’s Foreign Minister

Britain’s shock appointment of Johnson as foreign minister was met by outrage and disbelief in Europe.

07/14/2016 10:22 am 10:22:20
Toby Melville/Reuters
Eurosceptic Boris Johnson was appointed U.K. foreign minister on Tuesday.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Branding him a liar, a coward or a joker, Europe’s political class greeted Eurosceptic Boris Johnson’s appointment as Britain’s foreign minister with a chorus of dismay.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault eschewed the customary diplomatic niceties to ask how a man who had told lies as leader of the Leave campaign in last month’s British EU referendum could be a credible interlocutor.
“I am not at all worried about Boris Johnson, but ... during the campaign he lied a lot to the British people and now it is he who has his back to the wall,” Ayrault told Europe 1 radio on Thursday.
“I need a partner with whom I can negotiate and who is clear, credible and reliable.”
Johnson was accused of misleading voters by proclaiming that Britain was paying 350 million pounds ($468 million) a week to the EU that could be spent on the National Health Service. The figure did not take account of London’s budget rebate or of EU spending on public and private sector projects in the UK, and Leave campaigners have since acknowledged it was inflated.
EU leaders including European Council President Donald Tusk condemned Johnson’s comparison during the campaign of the EU’s goals with those of Hitler and Napoleon.
The rambunctious former mayor of London has insulted or lampooned a series of world leaders including U.S. President Barack Obama, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and both the Democratic and Republican candidates to succeed Obama.
After the June 23 vote to leave the European Union, Johnson took time off to play cricket and spurned a chance to stand as prime minister in place of fellow Conservative David Cameron, who had campaigned to stay in the EU.
Cameron’s successor, Theresa May, named the former mayor of London and one-time EU-bashing Brussels journalist as her foreign secretary late on Wednesday, and put another veteran Eurosceptic, David Davis, in charge of EU exit negotiations.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Johnson’s appointment was a clear signal that Britain intended to leave the European Union and urged May to end uncertainty and give formal notice soon of London’s intention to withdraw.
Chancellor Angela Merkel declined comment when asked on a visit to Kyrgyzstan about Johnson’s elevation, but Steinmeier indirectly branded him “irresponsible”.
Speaking shortly before Johnson was appointed, Steinmeier said: “It is bitter for Britain. People there are experiencing a rude awakening after irresponsible politicians first lured the country into Brexit then, once the decision was made, bolted and instead of taking responsibility went off to play cricket.
“I find this outrageous but it’s not just bitter for Britain. It’s also bitter for the European Union.”
Alexander Shcherbak\TASS via Getty Images
“I need a partner with whom I can negotiate and who is clear, credible and reliable,” French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said of his new British counterpart.


That was a foretaste of the potentially hostile reception Johnson can expect when he attends his first EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on Monday.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini had invited ministers to an informal night-before dinner to discuss the foreign policy impact of Brexit, but diplomats said that date was now in doubt following Johnson’s nomination.
Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, now the leading federalist liberal in the European Parliament, summed up the feelings of many on the continent when he tweeted: “Clearly British humor has no borders.”
Rebecca Harms, leader of the ecologist Greens group in the EU legislature said: “At first I thought it was a joke. Now I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. But I know it’s not good when irresponsibility is rewarded in politics.”
Johnson made his name as a Daily Telegraph journalist in Brussels in 1989-94, attacking the federalist ambitions of then European Commission President Jacques Delors and lampooning EU regulation, often stretching the facts to breaking point.
“He was already a little brat back then and he hasn’t changed,” Pascal Lamy, who was Delors’ chief of staff and later head of the World Trade Organisation, said last month.
Turkey was in a more forgiving mood after Johnson won a magazine prize for a limerick depicting Erdogan cavorting with a goat written to ridicule the Turkish leader’s efforts to have German courts punish a German satirist for insulting him.
“His negative comments on Erdogan and Turkey are unacceptable,” a senior Turkish official said. “However we’re sure of one thing, that British-Turkish relations are more important than that and can’t be hostage to these statements.
“With his new responsibilities we are expecting a more positive attitude from Mr. Johnson,” said the official of the new British minister, who had a Turkish great-grandfather.
Some of the strongest criticism came in Britain’s own media.
The left-leaning Daily Mirror tabloid splashed a picture of then mayor Johnson strapped on a zipwire at the London Olympics wearing a helmet and waving Union Jack flags with the caption:
“Dear World... Sorry”
(Additional reporting by Michel Rose in Paris, Michael Nienaber and Andreas Rinke in Berlin, Alastair Macdonald and Philip Blenkinsop in Brussels, Orhan Coskun and Nick Tattersall in Istanbul; Writing by Paul Taylor)

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