Sunday, July 10, 2016

Could generating electricity by breaking magnetic fields be a cause of global Warming and climate change?

The simple answer is of course,


However, it likely is much more complex than that.

The likely underlying cause of global Climate change is a Geomagnetic reversal or excursion from all evidence so far. However, people generally aren't told about this because it would scare the living hell out of them worldwide. So, scientists and governments generally keep this to themselves even though it is the most likely problem we are presently dealing with.

Yes. It is also true that the amount of human interference with planet earth is also causing the demise of the magnetosphere too.

But, all the evidence also points to either a Geomagnetic Reversal (takes 1000 to 10,000 years) or a Geomagnetic Excursion (Up to 1000 years) transition. So, because of this genetic mutation likely is inevitable for anything with DNA that lives above about 10 feet underground or above 30 to 50 feet deep in the ocean or lakes.

Recently, I have been reading about how the ozone hole is healing itself (and yet global warming is still progressing endlessly).

So, one by one we are beginning to understand the real problems all life on earth is dealing with.

Another problem is that Solar Storms are more and more lethal to all our technology on earth.

So, the longer it is between now and whenever we are hit with an 1859 type of solar storm once again the more lethal it will be for everyone using electronic technology on that side of the planet hit by the solar blast.

For example, when it hits I fully expect at least 60,000 people to die when all the electronics go out in  passenger planes all at once on that side of the planet. And up to 1 million or more people to die when their self driving vehicles operating systems all fry at once. So, like I said within 20 years it will kill at a minimum around 2 million people on that side of the planet when it hits our electronics.

However, it cannot be predicted when this actually will happen. But, from all evidence it should happen again sometime within 300 to 500 years. And the later it happens the worse it will go for life on earth because of the ongoing evolution of electronic technology. So, designing for this exact outcome will save millions of lives in the meantime. Also, likely on one side of the planet all magnetic memory will be fried. This means all smart phones and all hard drives exposed to the solar storm will be fried and unusable ever again. And all information not stored in non-magnetic media lost forever.

To understand more about all these things here are some reference word buttons from Wikipedia:
  1. Geomagnetic reversal - Wikipedia, the free...
    A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north... 

    1. Geomagnetic excursion - Wikipedia, the free...</...
      A geomagnetic excursion, like a geomagnetic reversal, is a significant change in the Earth's magnetic... 

      1. Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia, the free...
        The Solar Storm of 1859 — known as the Carrington Event — was a powerful geomagnetic solar storm during... 

        1. Magnetosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          A magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are...
        2. Geomagnetic storm - Wikipedia, the free...

          A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock...

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