Thursday, July 14, 2016

Donald Trump has only 1% of black voter support in Quinnipiac poll

Does this tell you just how KKK and White Supremacist Donald Trump voters are? Does this tell you why Black voters are completely terrified out of their minds? Does this tell you why "Black Lives Matter" isn't something to be taken lightly now or into the future? And the Extreme Ultra Conservative Republican Mike Pence only makes this 10 or 100 times worse for Black Voters.

begin quote from:
Donald Trump has 1% of black voter support in Quinnipiac poll 

Donald Trump has only 1% of black voter support in latest Quinnipiac poll 

Donald Trump has only 1% of black voter support in latest Quinnipiac poll
NY Daily News
Donald Trump has the backing of the 1% — of black voters.
A Quinnipiac University poll out Wednesday shows the presumptive GOP nominee has only the support of 1% of black voters.
His presumptive Democratic challenger, Hillary Clinton, has 91% support from the black voting bloc.
“You’re not going to find a lot of black people who openly support Donald Trump,” said Pastor Mark Burns, an African-American preacher in South Carolina who has stumped for Trump.
Meet the female, Muslim and Mexican-American Trump supporters
Donald Trump at a Redding, Calif. rally June 3, where he pointed out "my African-American" in the crowd.

Donald Trump at a Redding, Calif. rally June 3, where he pointed out "my African-American" in the crowd.

(Rich Pedroncelli/AP)
“If they openly supported Donald Trump, they’d get viciously attacked within their own community.”
Trump’s pathetic polling with black voters is worse even than his standing with Hispanics — even though he has vowed to build a wall on the Mexican border, and spewed racist attacks at the Hispanic-American judge overseeing Trump University lawsuits.
Trump earned 33% of Hispanic voter support, the Quinnipiac poll says. Clinton earned 50%.
The New York Daily News published this front page on June 30, 2016.
(New York Daily News)
Republican presidential candidates routinely lose the black vote in a landslide. Even so, Trump’s numbers position him to finish the general election with the lowest black support in recent history.
KING: Trump is danger to our country and he must be stopped
Even Arizona Sen. John McCain — when running against Barack Obama, who would become the first African-American President — won 4% of the black vote in the 2008 race.
Mitt Romney, who lost to Obama in 2012, did a little better than McCain by getting 6% of the black vote.
George W. Bush, who Kanye West said in 2005 “didn’t care about black people” for his response to Hurricane Katrina, fared even better, attracting the support of 11% of black voters in his 2004 contest with John Kerry.
Trump has not vilified African-Americans on the campaign trail the way he has targeted Hispanics and Muslims — but he has still blundered chances to win their support.
The real estate mogul refused to disavow an endorsement from former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke — first by pretending to not know who Duke is, and then blaming a “lousy earpiece” for his silence in a TV interview.
Not Released (NR)

Hillary Clinton commanded the black vote through the Democratic primary and holds 91% support in the latest Quinnipiac poll.

(Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Trump also refused to denounce violent attacks on black protesters at his rallies, and promised to pay the legal fees of the attackers.
At a California rally earlier this month, a clueless Trump pointed out the only black person in attendance.
“Oh, look at my African-American over here!” Trump yelled to the Redding crowd.
“Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about?”
The Quinnipiac survey of 1,610 registered voters otherwise shows supporters divided along familiar lines for the two candidates.
Trump vastly leads with white men — holding 56% of their support, compared with 25% for Clinton. He’s also winning with voters between 50 and 64 years old, and older than 65.
But Clinton trounces Trump with support from millennial voters (48% to Trump’s 23%), white women (42% to 39%) and voters with college degrees (47% to 37%).
Voters without college degrees flocked to Trump, giving him 43% support versus 37% for Clinton.
The Quinnipiac poll says the candidates are nearly neck-and-neck on general voters — with Clinton slightly leading Trump, 42% to 40%.
donald trump
2016 election
barack obama
john mccain
david duke
ku klux klan

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