Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fox News Fires Andrea Tantaros for Supporting Donald Trump

This is just another indicator of how Fox News Doesn't have any candidate they support in the Presidential elections this year.

begin quote from:

Fox News Fires Andrea Tantaros for Supporting Donald Trump

Fox News Channel’s hostess, Andrea Tantaros, has been missing from the “Outnumbered” line-up for quite some time.
Some people have speculated that she has been let go for being a Trump supporter, especially because of the fact that there is quite a bit of tension between Fox and Trump, but this seems to be a bit stranger as there are other supporters of Trump on the show, such as Fox’s Sean Hannity.
It may be her remarks about the GOP establishment. Tantaros has never been a fan of the establishment. It would not be surprising if her willingness to point out the party’s shortcomings and incompetence to the masses would lead her to getting let go.
Remember her attacks on Mitt Romney, who failed twice as a Republican presidential candidate and was the “grandfather’ of Obamacare.
Tantaros was even quoted saying, “Mitt Romney has no business lecturing voters on electability or conservatism.”
This is not about people who are Trump fans or not, but instead it is about the GOP elitist class of politicians that have been proclaiming “fair and balanced” news. You don’t have to agree with Tantaros or be a supporter of Trump to realize what fox is doing is wrong and unfair.
The issues that have come up regarding Andrea’s contract show that the GOP, ala Fox News, shows a similar approach to the First Amendment as the left wing, which is only to say what leadership things you should say and never go off script. Andrea has gone off script one time too many and she may now be being punished for it.
“Fox News Channel has determined it best that Andrea take some time off.” Said the network.
Perhaps it is time for the rest of the American people to take some time off from Fox News as well.
Perhaps they should come back when Fox News Channel stops impersonating mainstream media and deciding who our leaders and candidates should be.

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