Friday, July 15, 2016

Hank in "Finding Dory" reminds me a lot of "Flame"

Flame is an actual shamanic experience I had on Maui in a hotel bath around 1989 or 1990 there near the Kahului Airport at that time. I have had many other experiences with Flame and his son "Son of Flame or Purple Flame".
So, as I saw Hank on Finding Dory I couldn't help think about "Prototype" of the present day and "Flame" of the far future or his son "Purple Flame" even further into the future ( and also further into the past) with his Dad.

I particularly loved the way "Hank" got around so well and changed color and was so obviously intelligent. Aquariums have found that large Octopi do not like sharks and if they are big enough they kill the sharks when no one is looking at night if they are in the same tank with them at an aquarium.

Octopi are known to be the most intelligent "non-vertebrates" in the ocean anywhere on earth. I think part of it is they have to be co-ordinated enough to manage 8 arms in the ocean.

How Octopi kill sharks (if the Octopi are big enough in aquariums) is they jump on the sharks as they swim by and close their gills with their tentacles until the shark suffocates. The shark has no arms to dislodge the Octopus once he does this and the shark then dies because it cannot breathe water to stay alive. 

What Flame told me was that they originated on earth and went to another planet trained a little like dolphins alongside underwater robotic equipment. However, all the humans with them died out and all that was left was the Octopi and the robotic solar powered equipment. Many of the Octopi died because they were psychologically dependent on the humans but some were independent and self starting enough to carry on and to reprogram the remaining robots to help feed themselves and eventually start a civilization based upon "their human gods" and what the humans had taught them. Eventually they developed space travel and time travel and came back to earth and were surprised at their original relationship to mankind.

But, through time travel when they went back far enough in time they saw that one of their own had been a time traveler who would be born in their future and would bring humans from Mars and Maldek (now the Asteroid belt) to colonize earth after they sent a piece of Maldek and asteroid to earth to kill the largest dinosaurs.

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