Friday, July 15, 2016

Trump: Intuition Beats Experience?

If you are a dyslexic or if you are an intuitive like me this is often true but not always.

However, a President "Always" doing this is likely going to scare the living hell out of Americans and the world. Because Trump's experience is completely as a businessman and not as a politician.

Some of you might say, "Well, That's Great! We don't need anymore politicians."

On one level that's true. But, if you listen to world leaders in general often you will hear them say, "The problem with all or most American Presidents is that they don't have enough experience to actually be a president until they are almost out of office like Obama is right now.

Whereas Hillary Clinton has more experience to actually be the President than any other single person in the entire history of the American Presidency. However, is this a good thing entirely?

I don't fully know the answer to this question either.

However, I do know Trump is going to scare the living hell out of all Americans and everyone on earth which is why he might just get us all killed.

We need a president to reassure us like Obama and President Bush and Bill Clinton and Bush's father did. We don't need a president who scares the living hell out of us because we just have no idea at all what he is going to say or do next.

Because this is how wars get started and millions of people die like in the past during World War II with Hitler and Tojo.

Note: I wrote this article after seeing the latest cover of Time Magazine by the way.

which says:


For Trump, intuition beats experience. What this would mean for the presidency.
By Jon Meacham.
The date on magazine is: July 25th 2016.

And if you look carefully (like a subliminal manipulation taught in) Social Psychology which teaches how to manipulate human minds subconsciously through advertising, the little plaque on the back of Trump's chair saying "The President January 20th 2017".

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