Sunday, July 17, 2016

If you go to the GOP Convention for any reason you might be taking your life into your hands

If you are logical and look seriously at what is coming down in Cleveland around the GOP Convention, surviving it might be iffy at this point.

Think about all the problems there. Today for example, 8 cops have been shot in Baton Rouge and likely 2 are dead. Does this sound like a "NORMAL" time for a convention in Cleveland?

Then you add all the violence towards Black people from Police afraid of black people and accidentally (or on purpose) killing them on camera.

Then you have Black people blaming Trump for the violence because of his indirect association with the KKK and the White Supremicist movement nationwide.

Then you have Open Carry laws which will be enforced (except inside the convention itself which will be patroled by the Secret Service). So, the convention itself will be free of weapons (at least for the non-secret service crowd).

So, once you get through security the worse that likely can happen is being hit with a sign or a fist inside the GOP Convention. But, outside the Secret Service area it could literally be as bad or worse as what happened in Dallas once again.

So, just by being within a few miles of the GOP Convention you might die or be maimed or wounded.

I think people need to be realistic about this. Because this place is just a nightmare waiting to happen and nothing else. So, if you go it might be a good idea to also expect to die there if you are realistic about the whole thing.

With Open carry laws enforced in Cleveland Almost anything can and will happen there. Because Open Carry laws allow for Live Arms which is a term that also means "Loaded Guns" that are ready to fire at a moment's notice.

If you want to stay alive past the GOP Convention this is something to think about.

You don't want to die in another "O.K. Corral" like out of Cowboy history with Wyatt Earp and his brothers and Doc Holiday there with his shotgun.

And then there are people who want to die and plan to take hundreds of people with them who will also be there armed as well like the shooter in Dallas.

You just don't want to be there if you like being alive.

Because it is just an accident waiting to happen and nothing else.

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