Wednesday, July 6, 2016

If you have watched the News in the Last Year

You know that we now have the two least liked candidates for president in the History of the United States.

Any other year what just happened to Hillary would have ended her candidacy or at least her possibility of success for president of the United States.

But, not this year. Because most people believe Trump is at least 10 times more corrupt than she is.

It's like a competition of corruptness is going on between these two candidates.

However, voters are likely going to think like this?

"Who is going to get us killed?"

And the obvious answer is "Trump"

So, people will tend to vote for Hillary even though in any other year she would lose.

So, we have no GOOD choices for president this year only a bad and an even worse one.

Good Luck Hillary. You may give away state secrets because you don't know anything at all about computer security, but are you very different than most women your own age across the country, or their daughters who think Facebook is a good thing?

But, at least you likely won't get us all killed like Trump probably would by being the opposite of a diplomat and pissing everyone on earth off at once.

So, likely it is going to be President Hillary Clinton this year.

Does this remind you of a U.S. version of Brexit or what?

It's like we are retro going back to the 1930s all over again with Herbert Hoover,  stock market crash and the Great Depression and world war II or something.

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