Tuesday, July 26, 2016

More and more evidence of Technological Singularity at play on Earth

When technology changes faster than you can keep up with you might just be in a technological singularity.

A while back there was a book written about this phenomenon called "Future Shock". Though this book was written in 1972 many of the ideas in it are still very valuable today regarding the confusion people feel worldwide. Things just keep changing too fast for anyone really to properly adjust too. There is a feeling of "Sensory Overload" as there is just too much information to digest (at least intellectually) which is why I find being intuitive often superior to being too intellectual. I watch people trying to consciously process just so much and often just fry their brains in the attempt while I and others more intuitively centered just experience it in an entirely different way. For me, I tend to experience everything that is happening on the planet intuitively all the time. This might overwhelm most people but I find it very useful.

One of the biggest reasons for the existence of Al Qaeda and ISIS I would say is Future Shock where 12th century Sharia Law and Muslim experience Collides with things just changing too fast for people like this not to sometimes "Go Crazy" and kill people from all the many many changes.

For example, there is a fire going on in Northern California right now and many people live near it that I know and you can sort of feel the fear in the air when 19,000 acres is going up in smoke and over 20 houses are burned in a region near where you live. So, I find this fear in people kind of useful to gauge what is actually going on in an area. The disadvantage is when I cannot figure out the cause of the fear in the air. For example, a friend was supposed to come over and because of the fear in the air I thought something must have happened to my wife's friend. What had actually happened was she fell asleep instead of coming over for a visit. My wife said, "Fred, I think it's all the people afraid because of the fire." Intellectually, I realized she was probably right but I still needed to text and call to make sure her friend and daughter were all okay too.  So, being an intuitive and sensing things all over the planet is good in some ways but sometimes it can be very confusing too if you cannot locate the problem and your emotions just go off like something is very very wrong. So, isolating the problem from your instincts and logic and like a profiler would logically go through all the variables is how you wind up with a calmness about it all as you slowly find a way to put it all into perspective. But, this isn't easy either. And we all have different gifts and ways to process all this as natural intuitives with Instinct and logic and reason and intuition. I find the best way is to apply the scientific method to intuition for the best results. In other words you force yourself to stay calm and rational while you apply the scientific method to intuition and instincts. Most of the time  you can be the most accurate (before everyone else) this way. So, you and your family survive things that other people might not because you are so far ahead of them in processing all this. And when there is time you try to warn people of dangers (if they will believe you).

By the way I had some free time today and visited a house I once lived in in Carmel Highlands in the 1980s. None of the houses in the area where I lived have been burned at all. In fact, I saw no evidence (other than ashes coming down) of fire (and smoke in the air) from Highway 1 anywhere (even though fire trucks were staged to go to work in various places from CalFIRE (CDF).

So, though it feels strange and asthmatics are having to go to the hospital or leave the area, so far people are mostly just coughing a lot for hundreds of miles downwind of the Sobranes Fire and the Sand Fire. Smoke from the Sand Fire (Santa Clarita in southern California) is hazardous to Breathe all the way into Nevada now by the way.
  1. Future Shock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Future Shock is a book written by the futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970. In the book, Toffler defines the...
  2. Future Shock: Alvin Toffler: 9780553277371:...

    Buy Future Shock on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.

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