Friday, July 15, 2016

Pence is against reproductive rights for women and against all LGBT Americans

Pence was elected Indiana’s governor in 2013 after serving 12 years in Congress. He has consistently attacked reproductive rights, is an unapologetic defender of the war in Iraq and came under fire last year for signing an Indiana law that allowed businesses to discriminate against LGBT Americans. In December, he also criticized Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, tweeting that it was “offensive and unconstitutional.

end partial quote from:

Donald Trump Formally Announces Indiana Gov. Mike Pence As VP ...

Pence was a choice Trump made to placate his base which is conservative Republicans in case one of them decides to assassinate him they still will have a conservative president in place: Pence. The Ill will towards Trump so far is extreme from most Conservatives. Even the Republican Convention has run out of money because of angry conservatives. 

I can tell you as an intuitive that it is quite likely there will be one or more attempts on Trump's life from ultra-conservatives because of all the bad feelings so far if he is actually elected president. This way they can now have Pence be president and not have to deal with Trump anymore.


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