Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Putin's KGB Training makes Western World Vulnerable today

When the Soviet Union collapsed because of a variety of reasons, Putin didn't stop really thinking like a Loyal KGB Agent who was a Colonel in East Germany in the 1980s during the Cold War. So, when the Soviet Union collapsed Putin was pretty upset.

Though the rest of the world sort of "Got Over" the old Soviet Union, Putin did not. So, as the western world has let down it's guard Putin has continued with traditional KGB tactics against the Western World "AS IF" the Soviet Union was still in place.

This tends to make the Western World vulnerable in a variety of ways. One of the ways we were vulnerable was the DNC Hack attack by the Russian Government recently which has directly catapulted Donald Trump to the lead just as Trump calculated it would.

Putin is using our free media against us.

The tactic of stealing private information through hacking and giving it to Wikileaks is a new tactic used for the first time in the U.S. by Putin.

However, I personally believe it was done because western News published articles about his billions in off shore accounts from Wikileaks recently.

So, for him it is tit for tat but also it is a way to put who he wants into office because to some degree he can get along with or control Trump because Trump isn't attached to our democracy or following the Constitution because Trump is only going to do whatever is best for Trump or his family and that's all.

People who expect more than this from Trump are going to be extremely disappointed if he actually becomes president.

Basically, Putin is Buying Eastern Europe and likely the U.S. too through Trump.

Because in the end Trump is only into money the rest is a  ruse.

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