Saturday, July 9, 2016

Racism is about economics

And economics is about Power.

White people got used to having power (or dying because they didn't have it) in Europe. So, when they came to the U.S. and got power they were not easily ever going to give it up. This is still true today. Racism the world wide is mostly about economics and power blocs worldwide.

For example, there is religious racism too like Sunni Muslims hating Shia Muslims and Shia Muslims hating Sunni Muslims. The whole refugee crisis of Sunni Muslims driven out of Syria by Assad is about this.

In the U.S. in times of plenty, President Johnson could afford (in times of plenty) to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and things have gotten better for black people and all races besides white people ever since.

However, there are problems once again now primarily caused by the Great recession and the average person losing 50% to 75% of their net worth during this time. This has placed many many more both white and black and all races to the edge of financial survival here in the U.S.

Because the people who give the most to those less fortunate are middle Class and lower, this has stopped more too leaving many black, and people of all nationalities in the lurch without food, without shelter and sometimes even without clothes to wear.

So, what happens when economics aren't good like now is that there is white nepotism (which basically means that white people are going to take care of their own first) (which is also true of all groups of people. But, because since white people have hundreds of years of history of being richer than other races (at least in the U.S.) there is less help available to the average black person than the average white person in the U.S.

This is the biggest problem I see right now.

2nd to this is some cops are really afraid of black people because they have never lived around them and don't understand their subculture so they cannot predict what a black man, for example will do next. Because of this there is a tendency of white police to shoot first and ask questions later.

As long as police are told not to shoot except in kill shots there are going to be a lot of dead black people.

But, there is also good reason for this. For example, someone on PCP (angel dust) might just get very angry with less than a kill shot and kill or maim many many people. This has now happened so many times now in places like San Jose that this is the main reason police are told to ONLY use kill shots and not wounding shots nationwide.

So, unless there is a tazer or taser available right then black people likely will continue to get shot.

So, the only people to have recovered their wealth since 2006 to 2012 are people invested in the Stock market in blue chips or other stocks and muni bonds and the like.

So, most everyone else lost 50% to 75% of their wealth during the great recession and hasn't been able to find a way to get it back since then.

This has made it very very hard for all races Middle Class and lower to survive or even get ahead.

Because "IT takes money to make money" in the world we now live in.

You can no longer get ahead just working for a wage because you just get further and further behind by doing this with the Globalized economy we presently live in.

So, it isn't just black people having an awful time now it is all races nationwide and worldwide.

Because of this we might be heading into a worldwide recession or even a worldwide Great Depression with deflation right around the corner for most nations.

So, it isn't just a black problem it is a problem for all races and ethnic groups right now.

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