Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Majority of people in U.S. are simply not recognized by the Media

Whether it is the news media outlets or social media, only the extremes get attention. Regular people like you and I don't get this level of attention that extremists do.

So, the world really isn't more polarized than it ever was, it's just the crazies on the left and right have found each other in social media and in places (on the far extreme right) like Fox News and a lot further to the left (MSNBC). But, I would say the most extreme point of view in a major media outlet that mostly are untrue when fact checked is Fox News.

So, not only is Fox news the most extreme partisan network it is the most likely to tell you something that isn't even true or credible. So, there is really no real reason to watch Fox News unless you expect to be both entertained and lied to at the same time.

To a lesser degree this is also true of MSNBC even though this network tends to be much more credible (if also a partisan network only to the left).

So then we have social media which is a place that can be violent in all directions, hysterical, and completely without any facts whatsoever.

So, is the world more partisan or have all the crazies found all their friends on the left and right worldwide, while the rest of us normal people bide our time while they all kill and maim each other?

To me, the biggest joke isn't the sexual harrassment suit against Ailes it is the fact that for all their media outreach Fox doesn't even have  candidate for president to support this year.

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