Saturday, July 9, 2016

What happened in Dallas? PTSD combined with Social Media

The young black man was an army sniper in Afghanistan trained to kill at great distances with ease. He used his skills on the police in Dallas and they didn't have a chance against him.


Because he was prepared to die and expected to die at some point using his skills.

Why did he do this?

PTSD from Afghanistan and Social Media and having a grudge against white people.

So, other incidents like this could also come from ex-soldiers highly trained with PTSD.

This is something to look out for because Police are not trained for people this highly skilled as snipers to come against them.


a 9mm pistol which is standard issue for most U.S. officers is only accurate at most 25 to 50 feet away.

A sniper rifle might be accurate to more than a mile away. The officers have no defense unless they have a high powered (sighted in rifle) with a scope to fire back with as a sniper rifle to defend themselves in situations like this one. I think that though officers might have an AR-15 on the dashboard or shotgun, that they should also keep a sniper rifle with a scope in the trunk for situations like this one.

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