Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Tesla car beheading it's driver on Autopilot and the robot blowing up the shooter

These things are connected by AI or Artificial intelligence which has come into it's own in Self Driving applications in cars and Self Flying applications in planes and now Robotics to disarm (or blow up) relatively unkillable assailants here in the U.S.

This likely is the first use of a robot to kill a civilian that I know of ever. Though robots have accidentally set fire to houses and people have died before, this appears to be the first use of a bomb to blow up a shooter I've ever heard of in a non-war or non-terrorist kind of situation here in the U.S.

However, this likely will not be the last situation people are going to be killed who are civilians by something like this here in the U.S. or abroad in other countries in the near future.

In the case of smaller robots like these ones often there is a tether so video is live to an officer of the law while using something like this. So, often AI is not needed in a device like this (as of yet) or else it would cost much more than 8000 dollars for some of these robotic devices now being purchased by Police Departments across the country to disarm bombs (or kill people) that might be difficult to kill without many officers dying in the process.

It is interesting to me that the Firebombing of Germany and Japan as well as the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also defended as a way to save American lives also.

And I hope we don't regret and one or many times in the future the slippery slope that we have now embarked downward upon that will cost so many lives in the future.

It started with Drones with hellfire missiles but now it is moving in a more up close and personal way than ever before. With missiles, one moment you are there and the next you and everyone around you is in pieces. With robots likely only one person at a time will be in pieces. OR so one would hope.

Anyway, I'm sure you all will admit it's a terrible slippery slope we are now descending downward on.

I wonder how many alive there still will be of us worldwide from all this in 2100?

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