Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trump is the most dangerous Candidate for president in my lifetime

And I'm 68 years old. Normally in presidential candidates it is tweedle dee versus tweedle dum and it really doesn't matter much who gets in each election (between the two major parties). But, this time it is a complete disaster for our democracy in the same way Brexit is and will be a complete disaster for the English Economy and possibly for the whole world too.

This is not political rhetoric this is genuine concern for our democracy since 1776. It is not about politics at all. Trump only cares really about himself, his family and his closest friends, all else is not genuine and he has no real empathy for any race or ethnic group but his own. This makes him dangerous not only to our U.S. democracy but also to the whole world and all the world's democracies too during these times.

I have no doubt at all that he believes he would be a great president. It is his out of touch with reality way of communicating what he does that is scary. His rhetoric is or has already cost lives here in the U.S.

The American People and our democracy since 1776 might not survive him as president. He is just too dangerous. I have not been worried this much about any candidate for president in my entire lifetime of either party before. And I'm talking since I was 4 years old in 1952 when Eisenhower was elected president.

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