Friday, July 22, 2016

Trump's Style of Being Presidential? Being Vacant and Dictatorial?

Trump's style of 'presidential'

Vice presidential nominee Mike Pence compares Trump to Ronald Reagan -- but on stage Thursday night Trump was no happy warrior.
Trump channeled Americans' grievances at home and abroad, pinning blame for spikes in violence and drugs on undocumented immigrants, casting the battle on terrorism as one being lost and demanding a return to law and order.
This is what presidential means to Trump. To his critics, it will come off as vacant and dictatorial. But to his backers, it's the very embodiment of they've been thinking, but not feeling welcome by society to say.
The speech that ran more than 75 minutes was signature Trump, offering America a prime-time look at his ability to channel voter anger that won him the nomination.
No wonder Trump spooks party loyalists. This was no Bush speech. Trump called for a much more activist government -- intervening regularly in international economics, cracking down ferociously on illegal immigration and even taking special care to prevent LGBT Americans from targeted attacks. 
end partial quote from:

10 takeaways from Donald Trump's Republican Convention

The Dictatorial comment is what concerns me. Will he feel America is threatened enough in his dictatorial bent to just get angry one day and disband Congress and the Supreme Court as a way to accomplish all the things he wants?


He is the first presidential candidate ever where this is a danger.

Donald Trump obviously loves America. But, does he love the system that makes this country Great. He is used to "Going around problems to solve things or going through things and knocking them down (one or the other) to solve all problems. This is the real danger of a Trump Presidency where he just crowns himself king like Erdogan is doing now in a de facto way in Turkey.



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