Saturday, July 16, 2016

Turkish Coup is major setback in defeating ISIS

Erdogan appears to be ONLY interested in consolidating power and nothing more. More and more evidence points to him orchestrating the whole coup in the end. But, worse than that it is that ISIS likely took more control in Turkey through this whole thing by moving more of their army there in plain clothes during all the smoke and mirrors going on.

Once again, Erdogan ONLY seems to be interested in consolidating his dictatorship and stripping all citizens of all or most of their rights and turning Turkey into an Islamic State itself. He isn't really interested in democracy at all. He isn't really interested in peace with the Kurds at all. He isn't really interested in stopping ISIS at all.

He is ONLY interested in his selfish interests and consolidating his dictatorship and turning Turkey from a secular democracy into an Islamic State dictatorship. He likely would be happier if Turkey was ruled by something like ISIS if he was the leader than anything else by his actions.

HE looks to be one of the worst things that ever happened to Turkey in the last 30 years at this point in regard to human rights and democracy for the Turkish People.

It makes a great deal of sense that the ISIS army just had a major chance during the last 24 hours or more now into the future to move more fully into Turkey in plain clothes.

So, almost anything could now happen in Turkey over the coming days and weeks as a direct result.

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