Sunday, July 10, 2016

Where Science and Religion Meet

I've always thought of religion as "What Might BE" and science as "What actually is".

Maybe this is a good way to look at this.

However, Science is not necessarily wisdom.

And you need wisdom to get anywhere in any of this along with compassion for yourselves and others.

So, of all this Wisdom, Enlightenment and compassion for yourself and all others is what is important.

Knowledge (Science) just for it's own sake is sort of like building a nuclear bomb big enough to destroy earth and then setting it off with the result being a lot like the asteroid belt here in the Solar System that used to be a civilization populated by our ancestors before 65 million years ago. You can time the death of the large dinosaurs to one big piece of that planet hitting earth and (Very conveniently killing them) so that we all could live here comfortably today.

So, both science and religion by themselves are not enough.

Wisdom, compassion and enlightenment are needed for us to have a planet to live on ongoing which is Earth.

My teachers were wise in teaching me that religions are all basically obsolete at this point for exactly the reason of what we are presently seeing in the Middle East right now with Shias killing Sunnis which then caused ISIS as a reaction to this which is now killing Shias, Christians, Yazidis and everyone else not Sunni.

This is one reason why religions are becoming more and more obsolete each day now. Because fighting over "Which one is the right one" will definitely eventually end all life on earth and the earth itself.

So, only through enlightenment can earth be saved.

Religion in the end will only end humanity and the earth itself.

It is not that any religion is wrong.

It is that "Each religion is a piece of the truth".

But, if small minded people fight over "which piece of the truth is the right one?" then all life on earth simply ends.

So, compassion, wisdom and enlightenment is the only way to keep the earth alive ongoing for millions and millions of years into the future and the only way to keep mankind alive as we evolve during this time too.

By God's Grace

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