Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trump and most Republicans seem to be running Against each other now

By giving a leadership role to Breitbart co-founder Steve Bannon, someone who's been a strong critic of establishment Congressional Republicans and particularly House Speaker Paul Ryan, Trump is making it very clear he'd rather stick with the kind of sharp attacks and emotionally-laden rhetoric Breitbart is famous for. It's also the kind of firebrand attack mode Trump rode to the GOP nomination. It also means that same establishment GOP in Congress will now be running an almost completely separate campaign from the Trump forces, and in many cases they might be effectively running against one another.
end partial quote from:

Op-Ed: Donald Trump just set the house on fire. Now what?

This just keeps getting stranger. Bannon reminds me of being so close to a Neo Nazi without actually being one. This just isn't going to fly with most Conservative Republicans who still   believe in human rights.  So, for Conservative Republicans Trump just gets worse and worse as a candidate by the day.

MY question might be: "Will the Republican Party EVER recover from Trump?

Or is the Republican party now de facto "The populist Party of Trump"?

Time will tell.

I always thought being a populist was a good thing. But Trump gives it a bad name at this point.

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