Friday, November 18, 2016

Trump's Presidency could mean the end of a LIvable Climate

quoted from November 28th 2016 Time Magazine page 18

----"Trump's policies would lead to U.S. emissions being 16% higher after two terms of Hillary Clinton. That's 3.4 billion tons of additional carbon emissions."

Lower on page 18:

IN Marrakesh, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry pleaded to world leaders--without mentioning Trump by name--to not let climate progress come undone. "I ask you on behalf of billions of people around the world... do your own diligence before making irrevocable choices," he said. But, an irrevocable choice was made on Nov. 8 by American voters--and now the whole world may have to pay the price."

end quote from bottom left of page 18

So, you see from this quote it isn't just the U.S. stopping an Ecological response to global warming but potentially it could help result in bringing the end of life on earth this century if the whole world gives up fighting global warming because the U.S. which is one of the leaders stops being a leader under Trump.

So, like I have said before Trump makes it more possible for life to end potentially this century by 2100 here on earth.

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