Sunday, January 21, 2018

The nuclear option of 51% for the Senate is one reason Polarization is so extreme in the U.S.

I understand Trumps attitude about wanting the government to open up once again. However, one of the main reasons there is no compromise in government at all in making ANY deals is the Democrats DID used the nuclear option in the Senate under Obama and this really really screwed things up between the two parties. And if you actually want blood in the streets now then the the Republicans likely will use the 51% nuclear option once again.

But, just understand that people are going to be dying at this point if the nuclear option is used once again BECAUSE of the present polarization among the people in the U.S. So, if a minority of the people (36% at most) who presently believe in Trump are taking the nuclear option you have just got to expect blood in the streets as the next course of action through demonstrations that turn violent here in the U.S. and possibly around the world too.

Trump is supposed to be a populist but that is just a lie when he speaks like this. His advocating the nuclear option is going to get real people killed and that's all.

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