Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How do you stay alive to old age?

First don't go to war or join a gang.

Next, live beautiful places around people you love or at least like.

Live where the air is clear and the water is pure.

Find ways to have exercise doing fun things like Hiking, swimming, bicycling, snorkeling.

Eat organic foods whenever possible. If you can't afford to buy organic foods grow your own organic foods somewhere water is cheap enough to do this (maybe from well water on land you rent or buy out in the country.

Follow your heart and enjoy your life. For example, even though I'm 71 people still often think I'm 50 or 60 because I spent my 20s and 30s skiing in the winters and swimming in mountain lakes and hiking in summers during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. So, now I still look 10 or 20 years younger than I actually am.

Though being raised a lacto ovo vegetarian made me not ever get hardening of the arteries to the point where I had the clearest arteries and veins they had ever seen in a 50 year old when I went into Stanford Medical (near Stanford University) for an angiogram in 1998 I still had a heart virus likely caused by getting my teeth cleaned at a dentists and almost died then for 8 months and was forced to retire at age 50. So, if my wife hadn't demanded I retire in fall 1998 I would have died that year instead.

This caused me to not think I was 25 years old at age 50 anymore which is what kills many people in their 40s, 50s and 60s when they still think and act like they are 25 and soon they are dead because of this erroneous thinking.

Almost dying for 8 months actually saved my life to now because it forced me to rethink literally everything in my life. Plus retiring that young I found it takes at least 5 years to adapt to retirement and the later you do it the less likely you will survive the transition. So, I would say either retire early (so you can figure out how to cope with being retired) or never completely retire (one of the two).

Because often people just drink themselves to death or become couch potatoes and die within a few years one of the two.

So, you have to be a self starter to survive retirement. You have to be captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny to survive retirement otherwise you won't physically or psychologically survive retirement.

Knowing yourself and what kind of person you are is important. If you need to work create a business you can work at at least part time the rest of your life otherwise you will be gone.

But, if you know you can have fun and take care of yourself having fun while retired and you have enough money set aside to retire by say 50 or 60 then do that. It all depends upon what kind of person you are. If you are a workaholic and you work to stay sane and have meaning in your life then retirement likely isn't going to work for you so you might need to either start a business if you don't have one already or find a job that you can do late into life that you like.

By God's Grace

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