Monday, June 24, 2019

I realized I needed to explain why Political Correctness cannot work long term

It has to do with human nature and how human nature actually works. Have you ever seen a neurotic poodle. Not the really big ones that are more like German Shepards in nature but the really tiny teeny ones that have been so bred that they are completely neurotic from being so far removed from nature and might never even pee on a tree once in their whole lives or go to a park and be allowed to run free and play in the mud and grass or ever allowed to catch a frisbee (Ufo shaped saucer thrower that bigger dogs sometimes like to catch).

Well. Trying to condition everyone to follow politically correct rules you are going to have most people are crazy as the most neurotic tiny little poodle that shakes all the time from it's overbreeding and neuroses.

The problem with political correctness is not the nice ways you want everyone to be treated. That's not the problem. But, remember this is an ideal not necessarily an achievable reality.

For example, if we were being politically correct to wild animals there would never be road kill all over the place of baby deer and raccoons and skunks and people's pets lying bleeding and dying all over the place either. So, where's our political correctness for animals dying because they don't know traffic or road rules.

What are you going to do? Teach baby animals not to run in front of cars?

Do you see what I'm getting at. the point is that political correctness sounds nice but cannot work for exactly the same reasons that we cannot protect wild animals or insects or birds from becoming road kill sometimes. It just won't work.

What does Political correctness want? It wants women to be treated equally to men. In some ways that's okay except that I consider women basically superior to men in almost every way. So, to make a woman equal to a man is a great great fall from my point of view.

But, when it comes to being practical in the moment often men are better at this. But, in the long run men just cannot deal with the stress of being that practical every day of their lives, just in an emergency. When they are forced to do this they wind up having strokes or heart attacks starting about age 35 to 50 and then they die often leaving their families destitute.

So, if we are talking about practicality having women be equal to men is sort of ridiculous because they are already much superior to men in the first place. So, to be equal to a man for a woman is a real put down from my point of view.

Women are always the more civilized of the two also. Men are much closer to being animals. And some men are ONLY animals. I remember grade school and junior High and High School and people being beat up and rolled down hills in trash cans or having their heads shoved into toilets with poop and pee in the toilets and all that. That's pretty close to animals folks right there.

I wasn't beat up by people my own age mostly because I was a head taller than most boys my age. So, people usually knew to leave me alone. But, this wasn't true for many other shorter and less strong than me.

So, here we have one of the first tenets of political correctness and what is wrong with it. Which is that basically some men are animals and always will be. And if you can find a man who is a gentleman like myself while still being tall and strong you are very lucky indeed. This has always been true but is even more true today.

Also, the biggest problem with Political correctness is it sets off some of the male animals who are sort of unbalanced already, especially between the ages of 13 and 25 or 30 years of age.

So, from my point of view you can lay political correctness as a primary cause of mass shootings in the U.S. and around the world where one boy or young man gets an assault rifle and blows away 20 to 500 people within 20 minutes to 1 hours time before the police can arrive and stop him.

This is why I think some teachers in every school should be allowed to arm themselves if they get training so at least less children and teachers are shot every time this happens by killing or wounding the student doing the mass shooting that day to stop further injuries or murders.

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