Thursday, June 6, 2019

It's cloudy in Portland today

My daughter and I after having breakfast considered going to the beach yesterday but when I checked the weather there on my phone I saw it was a 59 degree high at the beach with likely raining. So, that didn't sound like much fun so I'll have to do that another time I'm up here. I went with my two daughters a year or two ago to Astoria, Oregon and we drove along both the Washington and Oregon sides of the Columbia River to get there. We had lunch then in Astoria, Washington along the Columbia River and then drove south to Ecola State Park which has a pretty view of Cannon Beach (the rocks "huge boulders" in the ocean there look like giant cannonballs which is where the beach gets it's name.

So, this time I was hoping to actually get onto Cannon Beach and look out to sea or to visit other beaches in the area because it is very scenic there. So, maybe next time I'm up here if the weather is good.

It's supposed to rain on Friday (tomorrow) so that should be interesting and the first rain since I've been here even though it drizzled a little yesterday in the afternoon.

It's presently 61 going to 65 today with a chance of rain.

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