Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Trump is symptomatic of what is wrong with the world

Things that are important you can always see in history in what happens in the grass roots movements across the globe. What are we seeing? We are seeing shooters blast away at school children from babies to college and in workplaces. We are seeing parents so stressed they are forgetting their children in the sun with the windows rolled up until their toddler fries and dies in the sun.

We are watching the cost of living ever more skyrocket until people cannot even financially make it where they are on 3 jobs working 12 to 16 hours a day to support their families at minimum wage (both of them in any couple supporting their families).

So things are actually completely out of control at a grass roots level which is indicated by someone like Trump being elected president.

A President as crazy as he is sort of  like a mafia don doesn't get elected until things have really gone wrong for the people in a country. The same was true of when Hitler was elected when it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. Same kind of Craziness and insanity then.

Also, the country's wealth is all out of kilter just like it was just before the Great Depression.

When you wipe out the middle Class like the Great Recession did the people left poor and middle Class have no vested interest in keeping the rich still rich and then everything collapses like it did then. So, Trump is a harbinger of another Great Recession or Great Depression worldwide.

And last of all the lies of political correctness brought directly the lies of Trump. If you lived through the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s this would be obvious to you like it is to me.

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